Founder's Message
We appreciate your interest in the Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Pharmacy at Dwarka Bahuddeshiya Gramin Vikas Foundation (DBGVF). Global recognition and contributions to national development are at the core of SSGMCOP's vision and mission. The DBGVF offers diploma and undergraduate courses. I am certain that you will discover a course that both satisfies your needs and aids your future career goals. Your selected disciplines will be well-versed in SSGMCOP. In addition to providing you with the most comprehensive theoretical education available, our courses help you get practical experience via hands-on training and tutorials. At SSGMCOP, we support the comprehensive and all-encompassing growth of young minds. I have no doubt that your stay here will be worthwhile. I am convinced that you will be a vital member of the SSGMCOP community of emerging stars. We are excited to have you join the SSGMCOP team.
About Society
Dwarka Bahuudheshiya Gramin Vikas Foundation has been working in the fields of education, health, and socially in rural areas since 1999. The evolution involves going from being a primary education to higher professional education supporting social services. We are committed to developing rural areas with the growth of higher education and connecting socially with the ground level people. Our vision is to achieve leadership in academic excellence and quality research.
Our Vision
To upbring a professional individual through Academic excellence and Research to serve Humanity.
Our Mission
To educate, train and inspire future budding professional person to strengthen the society
To inculcate and provide knowledge in depth to our graduates with utmost ethics, skills, attitude and behaviours
Core Values
Academic excellence and Quality research.
Economic, Social & professional development
Strengthen education sectors in India and worldwide.